Creating Customer Connections

If you’re looking to grow your business, one word should unite your marketing goals: connection. Today’s consumers aren’t just seeking the right product to fulfill a specific task; they are looking to forge a connection with a company that understands their goals and motivations and will share products and services that will enhance their life.

Community Creation

One of the most effective ways to create a bond with your market audience is to make your company and its products relatable. To do this, marketing leaders like Eyal Gutentag know how important it is to meet your customers in the communities where they live. Sponsor local events, host charitable fundraisers and demonstrate your organization’s capacity to care about causes important to your consumers. Whether it’s by donating to a local Habitat for Humanity house, a summer camp for disadvantaged youth or the local women’s shelter, there are many ways to show your customers that your company is about more than the bottom line.

Giveaway Game

Another great way to interact with customers is to host contests and giveaways. Guarantee word-of-mouth marketing and audience participation by rewarding additional entries to those who share the contest on their social media and tag friends. Gain additional demographic information by requiring participants to share information about themselves to gain an entry and use it to tailor your future marketing and product development ideas.

More than ever before, customers want a company that is willing to personally interact with them. Websites and apps that offer customized interactions and product recommendations are ones that will lead the pack when customers are making a choice among otherwise equal products. Examples include surveys that will recommend a particular product to solve a skin problem or chatbots that show customers several options that meet a customer’s budget, color and size criteria. Between chatrooms with actual employees or taking advantage of new artificial intelligence and algorithms that will “speak” with customers and give them information based on pre-selected keywords, there are many ways to offer a personal and interactive experience that will leave customers with a good feeling about your company. 

A company needs to be willing to learn more about what their customers want by taking the time to connect with what matters to them. Companies that recognize the growing need of consumers to personally interact with potential brands and their products will be well on their way to success. 

Sanjit Dhabekar

Sanjit Dhabekar is a passionate Digital Marketer and Blogger. He loves to explore new opportunities to rank websites and earn money online.

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