Best Strategies to Improve Partner Productivity with LMS

Any business partnership requires a great deal of communication and coordination to succeed. 

Productivity can be improved when partners use a learning management system (LMS) to streamline their operations. Here are tips to get the most from your LMS for partner training.

1. Establish Clear Guidelines for Using the LMS

When partners first start using an LMS, it is vital to establish clear guidelines for its use. These guidelines should include who is responsible for creating and managing courses and how and when partners will access the system. Partners can avoid confusion by setting ground rules upfront and ensuring that the LMS is used effectively.

2. Use the LMS to Create Courses for Different Learning Needs

There are several different types of courses that partners can use, depending on their individual training needs. Some examples include product training, compliance or regulatory training, soft skills/management topics, and partner portal orientation. 

Partners can also customize courses based on their specific workflows and processes. For example, a partner may want to create a course covering how to submit orders using the LMS.

3. Leverage the LMS For Knowledge Sharing

The LMS for partner training can also be used for knowledge sharing among partners. By uploading course materials and other resources, partners can make it easy for others to find and access the information they need. It helps improve operational efficiency throughout the entire organization.

4. Identify Ways that Partners Can Train Each Other

One idea is to create a partner training directory that lists courses and resources available within the LMS. Partner training guides are another option for sharing information with internal staff and customers interested in becoming partners themselves.

5. Use the LMS to Track Partner Progress and Performance

The LMS can be used to track partner progress and performance over time. This information can be used to identify areas where partners need additional training or assess the LMS program’s overall effectiveness.

6. Take Advantage of Built-In Reporting Features.

Most LMS systems provide built-in reporting features that can be used to generate key metrics and performance indicators. Partners can utilize these reports to track progress, identify problem areas and benchmark their performance against competitors.

7. Make Sure that the LMS Works with Partner Systems

Not all LMS systems are created equal, and some may not be compatible with partner systems. Selecting an LMS that integrates well with internal and external applications is crucial. By doing so, partners can minimize the time and effort needed to coordinate their activities.

8. Establish Clear Lines of Communication

The best way to ensure that the LMS for partner training is used effectively is to establish clear lines of communication between partners and LMS administrators. It will help ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and that any issues are addressed efficiently.

9. Be Updated with New Features and Enhancements

LMS providers are constantly releasing new features and enhancements, so partners need to stay updated with what’s available. By taking advantage of new features, partners can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their LMS programs.

10. Celebrate Successes Together

Partners should take time to celebrate successes together, both big and small. It helps build enthusiasm and motivation that can help partners realize the full potential of their LMS program.

In addition to celebrating successes, partners should also reward them with incentives such as cash bonuses or gift cards from popular retailers. The rewards should be tied directly to the LMS and not related to sales, which can be challenging to track.

While many businesses know the importance of using a learning management system (LMS) for partner training to improve learning and development initiatives, they often struggle with how to get partners to use it more frequently.

Sanjit Dhabekar

Sanjit Dhabekar is a passionate Digital Marketer and Blogger. He loves to explore new opportunities to rank websites and earn money online.

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